Like somebody sprinkle bird pepper all over Merundoi!
Anil’s drinking and confrontation with Uncle Roy have serious consequences. The fallout causes the villagers to gather at Singh’s shop.
Stitchie’s snitching may bear some bitter fruit for Catalina.
Over at The Carter’s, Lucille learns what Cecil has been up to with Rhonda and she’s not at all pleased.
Her son in law, James, will also be unhappy when he learns what Candace has in store for him.
Broadcast times:98.1 FM Mon & Wed.: 5.45 pm, Tues & Thurs: 2.15pm & Sat: 6pmVOG Wed. & Fri: 10.05 am & Sun: 2pmLISTEN Last Weeks Episodes.
A resident of Annai makes a point to Reinforcement Officer, Renuka Anandjit after the Street Theatre presentation on Abstinence.