Sunday, August 30, 2009

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MERUNDOI Preview (August 31st-September 6th)

Unique starts to have some disturbing nightmares which cause ripples in her relationship with her father, Aubrey.
On the other hand over at The Singh’s, Anil starts a better rapport with his father, Sonny, simply because of his horrible cooking.
Pepper tries to borrow money from Catalina who gets into a fray with her room-mate.
Lily has convinced Jason that she wants to disclose, now it’s up to him to convince Sunita to listen and Ryan discovers Devine is bus-riding with Stacey. Will he join the duo?
98.1 FM Mon & Wed.: 5.45 pm, Tues & Thurs: 2.15pm & Sat: 6pm
VOG Wed. & Fri: 10.05 am & Sun: 2pm
LISTEN Last Weeks Episodes.
We’ve achieved our 300th Episode!
The Board, Management & Staff of Merundoi Inc. thank you for your support and encouragement
Lunch at Uncle Eddie’s Home – Sept. 3, 2009 compliments of German’s Restaurant & The Guyana Defence Force.
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Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
MERUNDOI Invites All To Inter-Faith Service

Merundoi Inc. is pleased to inform you that our 300th Episode will be aired during the week of August 24th 2009.
We consider this a significant milestone as it is a first for Guyana and therefore worthy of a celebration. This certainly would not have been achieved without your support to the Project.
Our activities to mark this occasion will cover the period August 23 – October 29, 2009 as October 16, 2009 will mark our third year of broadcasting this Radio Serial Drama and we look forward to your participation.
They are:-
a) Inter Faith Service – Sunday August 23 from 8.30-9.30am at the Theatre Guild.
b) Street Theatre & Cake Sale (Fund Raiser) – Saturday August 29, 2009 from 8.00am in front of Guyana Stores Limited.
c) Dinner Theatre (Fund Raiser) with Dave Martins, Classique Dance Co. & Pan Vibes- Saturday October 17, 2009 from 8.00pm at the Pegasus.
d) Annual General Meeting – Thursday October 29, 2009 from 10.30am to Noon at the Theatre Guild.
e) Drama Intervention & Refreshments :
a. St Ann ’s Orphanage on Saturday September 12, 2009 from 3.00-5.00pm and
b. Uncle Eddie’s Home on Thursday September 3, 2009 from 11.30am -1.00pm
f) Media Appearances including signage in Region 8.
We take this opportunity to invite you to our Inter-Faith Service, Dinner Theatre and Annual General Meeting, for which we shall send further details.
Looking forward to the pleasure of your company and continued support.
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MERUNDOI Drama Workshop

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
MERUNDOI Preview (August 24th-30th)

Bibi puts Sonny “in a lock” and unlocks some interesting secrets and Aunty Shanta decides that “enough is enough” where Sherry is concerned and gives her an ultimatum.
What will we do with Stacey? Once again she wants to lead Devine down a dangerous path. Will Devine follow?
Lily is adamant that she wants to disclose but will Jason allow it?
Broadcast times:
98.1 FM Mon & Wed.: 5.45 pm, Tues & Thurs: 2.15pm & Sat: 6pm
VOG Wed. & Fri: 10.05 am & Sun: 2pm
LISTEN Last Weeks Episodes.
We’ve achieved our 300th Episode!
The Board, Management & Staff of Merundoi Inc. thank you for your support and encouragement
Please attend our:-
Inter-Faith Service - Theatre Guild – Sun. Aug. 23: 8.30-9.30 am
Street Theatre & Cake Sale – Guyana Stores Ltd-Sat. Aug. 29:8.00am
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The late start meant that by 1:30am, when it was time for me to go, there was no performance from Shelly G, Fojo, Timeka or Celeste. Although disappointed this did not take away from the experience.
Always give love to Jory (who opened the show btw). Love his lyrics but I hope that he’d put so more effort in his movement (always seem a bit stiff).
2007 Soca Monarch, Malo was back without his locks but much more entertaining. Last I heard was that he’s singing on a cruise ship. But whatever he’s doing his voice has certainly improved. I was feeling drained just watching him run, bounce & whine about the stage. Through all this he still kept up his energy & voice from start to finish.
Some of the Cellink Jingles Finalists got a chance to ‘do dey ting’. We saw on stage Quacy aka Avalanche, Carlvin Burnette (Runner up) & Malika Boyd (Winner). They again did not fail to shine.
My definite fav for the night though was Mr. Johnny Braff. Goodness had me, along with many others, waltzing all around the ground not caring who was watching.
When I left Big Red was just hitting the stage & by that time there had already been good performances, a few not so good ones and even some very comical ones. There was a nice mix of music, dancing and comedy. Chow Pow and Malcolm had good chemistry and comedic timing, did a great job of MCing. Mr. Ian Johnson (a.k.a. Mr. Dynamix) needs a compliment for putting this together (not for organization though), it was great having some of the best Entertainers in Guyana at one location. All in all it wasn’t a bad night of Guyanese Entertainment. People, No Excuses! You most definitely need to put this on your calendar for 2010. And to everyone the show definitely is WATZ HOTT in Guyana.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MERUNDOI Preview (August10th-16th)
Boyo thinks he knows “what women want” and tries to advise Lawrence about marriage and Monica.
Sean finally finds Mark aka “Stitchie” in possession of his car ….and talking about vehicles, Stacey applies peer pressure on Devine and tries to convince her to go “bus-riding”. Will Devine succumb?
The week ends with a major confrontation so…
Don’t miss this week’s episodes!
Broadcast times:
VOG Wed. & Fri: 10.05 am & Sun: 2pm
LISTEN Last Weeks Episodes.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
MERUNDOI Preview (August 3rd-9th)

Sonny should be freed from his suspicious mind because it causes him to snoop around. What he unearths sends his household into confusion.
Sherry decides to “free up” and leaves a confused Sunita stranded at the National Park.
Lily tries to free Jason from his commitment to support her and Jonelle is angry that June has freed James from his misery and given him a second chance.
Stacey freely gives Devine advice on improving her relationship with Ryan and Stitchie is intent on freeing Catalina from her “old man friend”.
Don’t miss this week’s thrilling episodes!
Broadcast times:
98.1 FM Mon & Wed.: 5.45 pm, Tues & Thurs: 2.15pm & Sat:
VOG Wed. & Fri: 10.05 am & Sun:
LISTEN Last Weeks Episodes.
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Facilitator Lorene Jarvis (3rd from left seated) conducts a Listening & Disccussion Group at Surama, Region.
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